Tuesday 27 September 2011


The world today has to deal with many issue, due to overpopulation,are extend made worse to all the global issue. Does anyone know what is the maximum amount that people can live on earth? For now, this question is yet to be answered. But, i believe that there will never be a specific answer because no one would be able counted the amount of people on the earth.However, in this earth surely have a maximum number of people live on the earth.

Over the course of the 20th century, the rapid increase in human population has raised concerns about the Earth's ability to sustain a large number of people. When the baby boomers generation was born after the World War 2, the population just crossed 2 billion people; and in 2009 the world population stood at roughly 6.7 billion. In today’s society there are many economic problems, such as global warming, and acid rain.These problems have taken a toll on the environment, and its resources. Although all of these issues have an impact on our society, overpopulation stands to have the greatest impact on our environment, due to the large masses of people and the limited resources.Therefore, in this blog I'll be illustrating the contribution of population growth towards global warming and acid rain.

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