Tuesday 27 September 2011


Over-Population is a term used to define a situation when the population of a living species exceeds the capacity of living space. Usually the term refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. It is important to keep in mind that Over-Population is not a function of the number or density of individuals but rather the number of individuals compared to the resources they need to survive. With a current population of over 6 billion people and an expected population of over 9 billion people by year 2050, people should start considering population growth as a serious issue and start working out solutions to overcome it. If people tend to be ignorant towards this issue and do not overcome the rapid population growth; the earth will face a severe ecological imbalance as there would only be increases in the human demand and the amount of natural resources available to fulfill those demands would keep on decreasing. Therefore, it’s up to us now to make the RIGHT CHOICE!

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