Tuesday 27 September 2011


The world today has to deal with many issue, due to overpopulation,are extend made worse to all the global issue. Does anyone know what is the maximum amount that people can live on earth? For now, this question is yet to be answered. But, i believe that there will never be a specific answer because no one would be able counted the amount of people on the earth.However, in this earth surely have a maximum number of people live on the earth.

Over the course of the 20th century, the rapid increase in human population has raised concerns about the Earth's ability to sustain a large number of people. When the baby boomers generation was born after the World War 2, the population just crossed 2 billion people; and in 2009 the world population stood at roughly 6.7 billion. In today’s society there are many economic problems, such as global warming, and acid rain.These problems have taken a toll on the environment, and its resources. Although all of these issues have an impact on our society, overpopulation stands to have the greatest impact on our environment, due to the large masses of people and the limited resources.Therefore, in this blog I'll be illustrating the contribution of population growth towards global warming and acid rain.


This is the video about overpopulation.

This is the video about overpopulation.

This is the video about effect of overpopulation.

Acid Rain

Another contribution of the increasing population growth is acid rain. Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic. What causes acid rain? Acid rain is caused by emissions of compounds of ammonium, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. Acid rain leads to acidification of lakes and streams, contributes to the damage of trees, accelerates the decay of materials and paints, and also harms the human health.

As discussed in the previous blog, the increasing population growth means that more food, more clothes and more accommodations are needed. In simple terms, the increasing population leads to increasing human needs; and to fulfill those needs manufacturing is required. Most of the manufacturing factories usually releases smoke into the atmosphere. This smoke is made up of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide,(CO) chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's), hazardous air pollutants (HAPS), lead nitrogen oxides, ozone, particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxides and volatile organic compounds (VOC's) which are all emissions that contribute to acid rain. Therefore, with the increasing population growth the manufacturing process increases as well; this causes more of the gases from the factories to be released into the atmosphere and leads to acid rain.

Despite manufacturing, humans also have another need which is the need to travel around which is a leading contributor to acid rain. In order to travel around we need vehicles, however do we realize that these vehicles are the main contributors of acid rain? Vehicles worldwide are mostly empowered by fossil fuels, when combustion of fossil fuels takes place in the engine of the vehicles, gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide are released in to the atmosphere. These gases become acidic when it reacts with water molecules in the atmosphere and causes acid rain. 

Acid Rain Video's

This video is about progress of acid rain. 

This video is about how acid rain effect on earth.

This is the video about acid rain affect global problem.

This is the video about effect of acid rain.

Global Warming

Population growth is one of the major man made causes of global warming. As the amount of people in the population increases,  the demand of food, vehicles, accommodations and every other human requirement increases; this puts pressure on water demand, space demand and vulnerable natural resources demand. The increase in these demands leads to the release of more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, increase in thermal pollution, causes more forests to be cut down and increases agriculture which also leads to global warming.

Now you’re probably thinking, "Wait a minute, did you say agriculture is going to cause Global Warming?" Yes indeed, have you ever been in a barn filled with animals and you smell something terrible? You're smelling methane. Another source of methane is manure. Methane is a relatively potent greenhouse gas as it has a high global warming potential. Therefore, because more food is needed we have to raise food, and animals are a source of food which means more manure and methane.

Next, more people also means more vehicles, and more vehicles means more greenhouse gases. The vast majority of vehicles worldwide are empowered by of fossil fuels, usually gasoline or diesel. When fossil fuels are burned, they contribute to global warming by releasing greenhouse gases such carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and methane. Of all the gases, carbon dioxide is released in the largest quantity from vehicles. A common understanding many people may have is that the release of carbon dioxide isn’t a serious issue, as plants have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen. This understanding isn't wrong, however with the increase in population more trees that convert our carbon dioxide to oxygen are being cut down as the demand for space is increasing. Therefore, this simply shows that by the increasing population demands, we are increasing the factors that are causing global warming and demolishing the resources that are preventing global warming.

Global Warming

This is the video about global warming!

This video is showing the Greenhouse effect cause of the global warming!

This video is about Methane. Methane also one of the effect cause global warming!

This video is about vehicle cause global warming!


Over-Population is a term used to define a situation when the population of a living species exceeds the capacity of living space. Usually the term refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. It is important to keep in mind that Over-Population is not a function of the number or density of individuals but rather the number of individuals compared to the resources they need to survive. With a current population of over 6 billion people and an expected population of over 9 billion people by year 2050, people should start considering population growth as a serious issue and start working out solutions to overcome it. If people tend to be ignorant towards this issue and do not overcome the rapid population growth; the earth will face a severe ecological imbalance as there would only be increases in the human demand and the amount of natural resources available to fulfill those demands would keep on decreasing. Therefore, it’s up to us now to make the RIGHT CHOICE!